My Felix

What do you think of him?

1 comment:

  1. Everything that bros think of him? Well if to write directly everything, then it will occupy time a great lot! So, I will try to be on - well! Felix - a magnet! He and attracts all the time all the Bros! Yes, yes, attracts! You know, perhaps not all will understand, but to live day without the remarkable, filled with the true, various emotions videos of our PewDie, - it is IMPOSSIBLE! If you didn't set day - look at it with video! If you have an excellent mood - too look! And anyway you will be happy that you or have improved mood, or simply, with interey and awe, have spent some time:)
    Pyuudi is the person with excellent traits of character! He is very cheerful, kind, modest person! Yes, I consider to be modest - plus, but of course, looking in what degree:) in our case - excellent plus! He will have 3 million already soon. Subscribers, and he still in each video says how he appreciates care and devotion of the брос! He has neither star fever, nor megalomania! He - usual, but at the same time the special guy!
